Montgomery, Alabama.

Let’s inject some southern charm into CAPITALS with Birmingham, Alabama. With a nickname like “The Gump,” Montgomery should be treated like a very large, threatening man named “Tiny.” The Gump could be a friendly little city fit for a good time, or the Gump could be a city ready to knock you down just because it can. Until you know for sure, tread lightly and don’t make eye...

Atlanta, Georgia

It’s time to head to the ATL in CAPITALS. Atlanta is known for many things – some good, some not so good – but one theme seems to rule them all: traffic. Atlanta has it. Lots of it. All the time. So sit back, relax, and wait for the traffic to clear on one of the 65 Peachtree-named streets. You’re gonna be there for a...

Hartford, Connecticut

Next in CAPITALS: Hartford, Connecticut. If there’s one thing Hartford does well, it’s insurance. The “Insurance Capital of the World” isn’t a title most cities can pull off, but Hartford sure...

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Let’s get creative with Oklahoma City in CAPITALS. What to call a city located in Oklahoma? No need for a list of naming options to figure this one out. Back in the day the ever-powerful naming gods decided to go old school. Classic, if you will. The only way the name could’ve been better is if it was Capital City, Oklahoma. In fact, maybe all states should go that route. What’s the capital of state X? Capital City, of...

Lincoln, Nebraska

Up next in CAPITALS: Lincoln, Nebraska. I’ve never actually been to Nebraska, let alone Lincoln, but I spent enough time in Nebraska-adjacent (read: corn-loving Iowa) to understand the obsession with corn. Lincoln took that love to a whole new level by naming the state’s main sports franchise after the beloved vegetable. Go...